have you heard of the critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy fourteen? with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of a realm reborn and award winning heavensward expansion and also award winning stormblood expansion up to level seventy for free with no restrictions on playtime! play now



my ocs


  • 16/3/2024 - reordered changelog

  • 3/3/2024 - added some interest pages

  • 2/3/2024 - changed formatting

  • 19/9/2023 - made changelog

current fav song

raison d'ohtre - joseph cooper

<< go back?

OKOKOK prefacing this to say... final fantasy is like my number one... ive played uhhh 3, 7(og), 8, and 15 to completion, ive started 1 and 11 (also 7r), and my fav is 14 :33

26/3/2024 - DAWNTRAIL PREORDERS OUT im actually super stoked for dawntrail... part of why is because ive never actually seen the launch of any expacs... like i started playing during shadowbringers but i only got to like level 26 and quit after like a month or two (i had to move devices and it didnt allow me to continue on my free trial) so by the time i continued playing, it was already 6.1 and i think i finished endwalker during 6.3??? that sounds about right... but yeah im excited to witness first hand what launch is like... and i'll be out of school too so like..... i have time to sit in queues......

17/3/2024 - i think i will die on the hill that ryne and gaia are in love.. like.... they are fr rinoa and squall... out of the final fantasy games ive played i think ff8 is the most romance oriented so i think if eden is modeled after ff8 and gaia and ryne are squall and rinoa, then why wouldnt they be in love... ryne and gaia both saved each other out of their love (gaia saved ryne when she was shiva, ryne saved gaia at the end) idk i love them, i had more thoughts about them last night (like more parallels between them and quall and rinoa) but i dont totally remember all my points